Monday, May 21, 2012

Are you a cheater....?

I am. 
This is what googling "cheater"will get you. Pretty
awesome picture. But, no... I'm not this kind of cheater. 

I just realized it recently. Or rather, I just came to terms with it.

But no, I'm not a home-wrecking, other woman, relationship cheater. I promise. I have very strong views about such things. Not good, not nice. Don't do it, please.

But I am a cheater of another sort. A Garmin cheater. A speed, timing, pace cheater. A cheater to myself.

You see, I have been pretty happy with my long run times lately - as reflected by my beloved Garmin (the Forerunner 610) which I got from my parents for Christmas this year. Some sub 8 minute miles. Overall average pace - 8:15 ish.

Then, I started doing the math.

Well, if I can run 10 miles at an 8:15 pace on an average Long Run Saturday -- couldn't my race pace be, like an 8 minute mile? And hence couldn't I maybe run a 1:45 half marathon?? Why not?? Especially if I picked up my miles a little. "Trained" a little - whatever exactly that would mean. Plus add a little boost to my pace to account for race day adrenaline.

I've even been known to say out loud to another person --"yeah, my 10 mile pace is about 8 mins /mile. I didn't even think I was exaggerating, I really believed it. When really, my average pace for 10 miles has never been below 8:10.

I have to say -- and, not that this is an excuse, but -- I have very little experience with longer distance runs. I have only ever raced short distances - as a "sprinter" in high school (I say "sprinter" in quotes because while I wasn't bad, I also wasn't that good  and sprinter sounds - well official and fast and elite - which I certainly was not) and at the 5K turkey trot in November, where I remembered that race day adrenaline definitely can give you a boost in a short race (but not sure if that holds so true for longer distances...?)

Anyway - yeah... then this past 10 mile Long Run Saturday - I had to stop briefly to pee at mile 3 (not unusual for me) and had to stop a few times for water (albeit quick stops - but still can't exactly maneuver a water fountain while still running, and am I the only one who ALWAYS gets a runny nose while on a run and using a water fountain, even if it isn't cold.. What is up with that?)

These stops were no brainers because they are not atypical for me and they are very quick -- I use the least amount of time possible to pee, hydrate  ... I don't even think of the fact that I've technically stopped briefly to take care of pee and hydrate business.

But when I was done this Saturday, I thought there was something wrong with my Garmin. Huhh? How is my overall time a couple minutes higher than it should be..?

And then I realized.............  I have been stopping my Garmin when I take quick stops on previous runs.

I forgot to this time, hence the longer time. The REAL time. The non-cheating time.

AND.... that means I have been cheating on my overall time. 1:22 for 10 miles. Yeah... not exactly. Because I stopped my Garmin when I had to pee or needed water. So add a couple minutes to that overall time. All of a sudden my assumption that I can run a half in 1:45 is shot. 

Oh well. I will say there have actually been a couple 10 milers were I didn't have to pee and was hydrated enough that I didn't even stop for water. But that is not the norm. I usually have to pee and I usually get water fountain water at least 2 times on a 10 mile run.

Anyway - probably the funniest part about the way my mind works is that not only was I increasing my pace - but I just assumed that my time for a half would be adding up the average moving mile pace of my (false) 10 mile pace for 3 more miles. When in fact, not only have I been a Garmin cheater, but I've never even run more than 10 miles! Ha! Not to mention at the end of 10, I'm shot. I currently could not run another 3 at my average moving pace, much less another ONE.

So yeah, I guess I got a little big for my britches here with my cheating and assuming I can keep faster pace at distances I've never even run!!

All the more reason to make some new goals however: (a) No more Garmin cheating for me, no siree. And...... (b) try to increase mileage above 10 while keeping my "average moving pace" where it is - let's say 8:15 for now (which I promise is true - albeit a currently challenging pace for me to average for 10 miles). And maybe ONE DAY, I'll actually run a half and can make 1:45 my ultimate goal.

Okay, okay, that is a little ambitious, but it's a goal after all, I'll have to work up to it.....

ANYWAY, in non-running news.....

 I've taken some pretty awesomely funky yoga classes lately. Lots of unusual chanting. I couldn't help trying not to crack up in one such class, it all just got so loopy and yogi crunchified. I love that stuff sometimes, but sometimes you gotta laugh. Tonight during chanting (some really unusual stuff -- and I've been doing yoga for years!) I wanted to open my eyes to see if this instructor was trying to play a joke on us. For real??

Surely it would be easier to take chanting more
seriously and get a little spiritual w/ scenery like this.
I will try to imagine myself like this in my next NYSC
class if I can ignore the spin music long enough.
I mean, it's a New York Sports Club yoga class complete with the spin class techno music booming through the wall from the class next door and the walls occasionally shaking as the subway goes by! Easy with the crazy chanting and mantras (that really make no sense, after all, let's be honest) and let's all laugh at ourselves a little.

I do feel quite stretched out and zen though - plus got a bit of a laugh out of it all (I managed to contain my laughter until after class thankfully!) bonus!

It's been nice doing a little more yoga again - I'm thinking of picking up more yoga in my schedule instead of total body conditioning for a while.

Anyone know of any good yoga classes in the Union Square area (or - even better at NYSC)?? I prefer Vinyasa but also open to Ashtanga.

And I also prefer a class with less chanting and more poses that make me use my muscles rather than just stretch them.. 

Then again, maybe I should be looking for a yoga class with more meditation so I can try to come to terms with how easily I became a cheater without even realizing it..........

1 comment:

  1. The 10:30 AM Sun Vinyasa class at 7th Ave and 10th NYSC is pretty good. Good instructor, not too much weird stuff...
